360 One MF Flexicap Fund 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Invesco India Arbitrage Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
24-12-2024 30.8105
23-12-2024 30.8203
20-12-2024 30.8106
19-12-2024 30.7687
18-12-2024 30.7799
17-12-2024 30.7554
16-12-2024 30.7525
13-12-2024 30.7464
12-12-2024 30.7373
11-12-2024 30.7341
10-12-2024 30.734
09-12-2024 30.7371
06-12-2024 30.7144
05-12-2024 30.7376
04-12-2024 30.7277
03-12-2024 30.7239
02-12-2024 30.6822
29-11-2024 30.6652
28-11-2024 30.6573
27-11-2024 30.6696
26-11-2024 30.6809
25-11-2024 30.6595
22-11-2024 30.6731
21-11-2024 30.6682
19-11-2024 30.6563
18-11-2024 30.634
14-11-2024 30.6239
13-11-2024 30.6041
12-11-2024 30.6136
11-11-2024 30.5926
08-11-2024 30.6006
07-11-2024 30.5689
06-11-2024 30.5574
05-11-2024 30.5611
04-11-2024 30.5508
31-10-2024 30.5104
30-10-2024 30.5033
29-10-2024 30.5063
28-10-2024 30.5056
25-10-2024 30.5002
24-10-2024 30.4667
23-10-2024 30.4712
22-10-2024 30.4741
21-10-2024 30.4857
18-10-2024 30.4216
17-10-2024 30.431
16-10-2024 30.4175
15-10-2024 30.4257
14-10-2024 30.4105
11-10-2024 30.412
10-10-2024 30.3919
09-10-2024 30.3981
08-10-2024 30.3704
07-10-2024 30.3458
04-10-2024 30.3599
03-10-2024 30.3119
01-10-2024 30.3054
30-09-2024 30.3147
27-09-2024 30.2882
26-09-2024 30.2983
25-09-2024 30.3176
24-09-2024 30.3019
23-09-2024 30.3126
20-09-2024 30.2994
19-09-2024 30.2704
18-09-2024 30.2833
17-09-2024 30.2784
16-09-2024 30.2663
13-09-2024 30.2749
12-09-2024 30.2706
11-09-2024 30.2743
10-09-2024 30.2511
09-09-2024 30.239
06-09-2024 30.2523
05-09-2024 30.208
04-09-2024 30.2206
03-09-2024 30.2066
02-09-2024 30.2085
30-08-2024 30.1783
29-08-2024 30.1411
28-08-2024 30.1656
27-08-2024 30.1631
26-08-2024 30.1494
23-08-2024 30.1491
22-08-2024 30.1323
21-08-2024 30.1137
20-08-2024 30.1226
19-08-2024 30.1105
16-08-2024 30.1064
14-08-2024 30.1024
13-08-2024 30.1084
12-08-2024 30.0825
09-08-2024 30.0633
08-08-2024 30.0711
07-08-2024 30.036
06-08-2024 30.0423
05-08-2024 30.0441
02-08-2024 30.0536
01-08-2024 30.0092
31-07-2024 29.9893
30-07-2024 29.9944
29-07-2024 29.992
26-07-2024 29.9908
25-07-2024 29.9804
24-07-2024 29.9776
23-07-2024 29.9711
22-07-2024 29.968
19-07-2024 29.9759
18-07-2024 29.9307
16-07-2024 29.9237
15-07-2024 29.9079
12-07-2024 29.9247
11-07-2024 29.8888
10-07-2024 29.8952
09-07-2024 29.8832
08-07-2024 29.877
05-07-2024 29.8675
04-07-2024 29.8658
03-07-2024 29.8506
02-07-2024 29.8466
01-07-2024 29.8212
28-06-2024 29.8146
27-06-2024 29.8166
26-06-2024 29.8045
25-06-2024 29.8132
24-06-2024 29.788
21-06-2024 29.7962
20-06-2024 29.7788
19-06-2024 29.7764
18-06-2024 29.7571
14-06-2024 29.7672
13-06-2024 29.747
12-06-2024 29.7352
11-06-2024 29.724
10-06-2024 29.755
07-06-2024 29.7252
06-06-2024 29.6992
05-06-2024 29.727
04-06-2024 29.7397
03-06-2024 29.6292
31-05-2024 29.6212
30-05-2024 29.6165
29-05-2024 29.5799
28-05-2024 29.5716
27-05-2024 29.5793
24-05-2024 29.5855
23-05-2024 29.5878
22-05-2024 29.5766
21-05-2024 29.5537
17-05-2024 29.5651
16-05-2024 29.541
15-05-2024 29.5291
14-05-2024 29.5103
13-05-2024 29.4936
10-05-2024 29.5016
09-05-2024 29.4853
08-05-2024 29.4761
07-05-2024 29.488
06-05-2024 29.4628
03-05-2024 29.4276
02-05-2024 29.4039
30-04-2024 29.4424
29-04-2024 29.4206
26-04-2024 29.3987
25-04-2024 29.395
24-04-2024 29.4184
23-04-2024 29.4223
22-04-2024 29.4064
19-04-2024 29.4289
18-04-2024 29.4056
16-04-2024 29.3941
15-04-2024 29.377
12-04-2024 29.3645
10-04-2024 29.3614
09-04-2024 29.351
08-04-2024 29.3549
05-04-2024 29.3422
04-04-2024 29.3161
03-04-2024 29.3033
02-04-2024 29.2681
01-04-2024 29.266
31-03-2024 29.2533
28-03-2024 29.2517
27-03-2024 29.2316
26-03-2024 29.176
22-03-2024 29.1936
21-03-2024 29.1873
20-03-2024 29.1994
19-03-2024 29.1932
18-03-2024 29.1816
15-03-2024 29.1616
14-03-2024 29.1382
13-03-2024 29.162
12-03-2024 29.1329
11-03-2024 29.1544
07-03-2024 29.1502
06-03-2024 29.1217
05-03-2024 29.1177
04-03-2024 29.1102
01-03-2024 29.0897
29-02-2024 29.0771
28-02-2024 29.112
27-02-2024 29.0806
26-02-2024 29.0584
23-02-2024 29.0663
22-02-2024 29.0393
21-02-2024 29.0571
20-02-2024 29.0447
19-02-2024 29.0214
16-02-2024 29.0154
15-02-2024 28.9894
14-02-2024 28.9828
13-02-2024 28.9789
12-02-2024 28.9933
09-02-2024 28.9759
08-02-2024 28.9634
07-02-2024 28.9514
06-02-2024 28.9469
05-02-2024 28.9733
02-02-2024 28.9333
01-02-2024 28.9355
31-01-2024 28.9106
30-01-2024 28.9088
29-01-2024 28.9025
25-01-2024 28.8869
24-01-2024 28.8509

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